Safeguard Your Water Quality: Tanks, Bores, and Rainwater
When dealing with untreated water sources like rural, tank, bore, or rainwater, the potential presence of harmful bacteria such as e-coli, legionella, salmonella, and others is a concern. Our advanced Ultra Violet Systems are the solution to effectively eliminate bacteria from your drinking or whole house water. Our range also includes a variety of water purifiers designed to address all other concerns, from removing or reducing giardia, cryptosporidium, dirt, sediment, pesticides and herbicides, among other contaminants.
Navigating the Right Choice for You
We understand that selecting the perfect water purifier can be a daunting task. For personalised assistance or if you have specific purification requirements, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help guide you towards the ideal solution that meets your needs.